Topic Wise Words

Topic Nature:: PAGE #4

:: He has his two sheepdogs collies Joe and Jeff hot on his heels:: All of these marinas have sailboats and powerboats for rent:: If we have to upgrade some of our technology to allow text messaging on marine radio then lets make it so:: One difficulty is that improvements in technology spur improvements in armaments:: :: Although these thin gloves may not hold up the best when youre doing tougher chores like pulling thistles or pruning rose bushes they make a great addition to your gardening supply kit:: Turkeys are one of natures opportunists eating everything available including bits of vegetation weed seeds waste grain and even the seeds hidden in the center of burdocks :: A second burn was due to take place at 18 17 CEST lasting only a few seconds:: At the same time AmEx will step up its drive to wean large companies and small businesses from checks to corporate plastic :: The directors also revealed that the club is appointing top Australian coach Leo Epifania as head coach:: The place was staffed mainly by female volunteers some of whom had brought their squalling babies:: Exotic plants such as bougainvillaea duranta and pyracantha have been used in gardens for many years:: If the universe is expanding at any time and is closed the expansion will slow down in the future:: It is expected to be anchored there for a number of days to await the abatement of unusual southerly headwinds :: The road on which the Federals marched passed by the mill and was bordered on the left by millponds and swamps and on the right by a swamp that extended into the Wateree River:: The soft nutritious substance found in the internal cavities of animal bones especially the shin bones of oxen and calves:: Although vast numbers of the best big trees went to the sawmill early in the century many survived protected by a network of swamps and wild river oxbows :: This steep sided sea flows like a meeting place between the two continents of Africa and Asia:: Book now for the opportunity to take in this dramatic and entertaining performance:: But naval and maritime chiefs want more than a oneyear wonder to reinvigorate interest in the sea:: Imber is a village nestling in a shallow partly wooded valley in the centre of the western part of the Plain:: The strong smoky flavour comes from laying the tea leaves on bamboo trays above burning pinewood:: In the arena of open competition the talkers are quickly moved to the bottom of the rankings:: I had to get to the top deck to get this little dinghy to escape I could see it chained up far above me form outside:: As you build up the GUI the design tree reflects the widget hierarchy:: I kick indifferently among the jetsam that has sedimented up against the curb somebody once painted white and then forgot about:: a shower of stones
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