Topic Wise Words

Topic Nature:: PAGE #15

:: The media staffers and politicians feed off this poisonous atmosphere in a building that contains some fine art and architecture but no soul and no warmth:: He experimented by exposing paraffin wax to crushed Salvia leaves and found the solid wax readily adsorbed the volatile terpenes from the air:: The blizzard of details the prosecution produced was meticulous and almost irrelevant:: It is all the more heartening when one considers that the learning environment is less than ideal:: Were not ardent environmentalists but we wanted an environmentallyfriendly home that looked good:: it lasted a year:: We invite you to learn about what is probably the best anemometric indicator for cranes on the market:: Cooper said his little speech with ice in his voice but otherwise emotionless and calm:: Lydon has much to offer but Woodward elevated him to high office incredibly early in his coaching career:: People may have first been drawn to Thornborough by the River Ure a route between the Pennines to the west and Yorkshires lowlying vales to the east:: Check flashings at valleys chimneys dormers vent pipes and other roofing protrusions:: Elegant flamingos and other birds flock to Chilika in the winter:: unleaded petrol:: The old drove road is recognisable as it climbs towards the summit of Kailzie Hill and the edge of the extensive Cardrona Forest:: It is one of the few legumes with more protein than carbohydrate:: The whale calf is thought to have become separated from its mother in the lower Thames where the sighting of another larger bottlenose whale was reported:: Besides this Spanish cattle pigs sheep and goats introduced European meats and fats milk butter and cheese to the Mexican diet:: This is the skeleton so called because of the distinct appearance of the first metal toboggans :: She was still scarred after her encounters with icebergs so proper repairs to her juryrigged jib boom were a top priority:: They loved making snow angels and licking icicles as though they were popsicles:: The first stop on the tourist route out of the city is the hill town of Dalat in the southern central highlands :: She has been framed by the gangsters and is wanted for several armed robberies :: We want the Government to provide grant aid to farmers to help them through this difficult time:: The warm sirocco that blows off the Sahara often makes the sea rough along southern shores and all diving is then done on the north shore:: I felt a small tug pull my robe I turned to face a small child staring up at me:: Beyond the footbridge the narrow confines of the pass begin to widen out and one of Scotlands finest corries displays itself on the left:: The staple foods of the Hutu include beans corn millet sorghum sweet potatoes and cassava
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