Topic Wise Words

Topic Personality:: PAGE #6

:: Gentle and debonair in manners he knows how to be a submissive husband and cater to the needs of his sweetheart:: Nancy had plenty of spunk but not much of a sense of humour:: Where is the evidence on which the writer bases such spurious claims:: They were instructed to quickly push one of two buttons depending on the arrows direction:: they carry all the blame:: Surely she wouldnt explode with anger and stomp off:: Thus on the one hand Im a chirpy optimist blessed with an uncommon degree of good fortune who can never quite believe his luck:: She sustains a neat balance between ambition and compassion femininity and ballsiness which allows at least a glimpse into the war correspondents dilemma:: Symons stresses that no eucalyptus trees are planted as they drain the soil of water being very thirsty trees:: For ever and ever the trendies the sophisticates and the beautiful people have painted us on the right side of politics as boring squares joyless fanatics religious nutcases and monoethnic bigots:: On the couch one evening our loco analysand is seized by an uncontrollable passion for the ancient medico:: Many people were saddened to hear of the death of Maureen Potter in Dublin last week:: He had the brightest blue eyes and a wide toothy grin :: They were gentle people who went quietly about their lives always willing and glad to be able to lend a helping hand to neighbours and friends:: Performed with such brilliance they aptly recreate genuine folk music of the era:: But the cretinous behaviour of the few can never take away from the happy and celebratory atmosphere engendered by the many:: On July 23rd 1952 Nasser helped to organise a revolt against the Royal Family and King Farouk was overthrown after a few days of bloodless rebellion:: the breed does seem to milk better in harder conditions:: You are a milksop your heart is full of guilt for this:: For one thing Barrys prose style while occasionally overwrought is brilliant:: But ten days ago both sides were quite content with the result both realising that they had come perilously close to losing:: Its so much easier to be languorous and inactive when its hot:: They learn to get what they want by swapping New Yorkstyle pushiness for polite deference and restraint:: If anyone ever deserved to wear the smug grin of a Cheshire cat with all the cream it is Julia Drown right now:: In those first vital hours the police decided to publicise the raid as much as possible in a bid to make the stolen pictures too hot to handle:: Unrefined brown sugars light or dark muscovado taste fudgy and treacly and are perfect for toffeelike sauces:: The specimen prompted him to focus his thirst for knowledge and love of reading on mineralogy:: The majority had to severely restrict their lives by changing or abandoning work curtailing all social activities and becoming virtual recluses :: We stopped sleeping together but when Hanna got a new boyfriend I was jealous for the first time ever
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